What is BUDHI?
BUDHI is a bold, pioneering program in education. The program will raise endowment funds sourced from MSU alumni and interested parties to support student scholarships (including thesis grants); faculty instruction honoraria, and research activities.

Is this first time that such endowment fund program will be launched?
Yes, the very first time. Many alumni have been thinking about this for years. However, nothing much transpired. With MSU reaching its 62 years of existence, it is high time that an endowment fund program comes about.

How much is the target endowment fund goal?
It is P 100 million (One hundred million pesos or Two million dollars) in the next five years, 2024 to 2029

What is the vehicle or platform for BUDHI?
The BUDHI program is launched through a private nonprofit organization that is duly registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines.

What are the enabling, governing rules of BUDHI?
The Articles of Incorporation and its By Laws,duly approved by the SEC shall enable and govern the management of BUDHI. The Financial Policies and Procedures Manual will be adopted and used by BUDHI.

Who are the Incorporators or Chartered Members (Founders) of BUDHI
The original incorporators (chartered members) and founders are alumni of MSU Main who have the burning desire and willingness to serve and try their very best to satisfy the avowed purposes of the corporation.

In alphabetical order of their surnames, they are Celestino D. Baldonado, Henry C. Daut, Jean D. Gayo, Eriberto B. Gesalta, Acsara A. Gumal, Rufino S. Ignacio, Perla P. Kwan, Delia M. Ladao, Romeo S. MagsalosHanimah Salic Lao.

They are individuals of proven integrity, dedication, means, and accomplishments. Please refer to their short resumes.

Is there assurance that funds donated strictly for endowment will not be used for operating and maintenance expenses?
Yes, there will be such assurance from the Corporation that will also be part and parcel of its reports to the SEC.

Funds for operating and maintenance expenses shall be separately and distinctly raised and identified as such.

How does one become involved with BUDHI?
Through their donations, one can be involved.

The Corporation accepts membership classified accordingly as regular, sustaining members and patrons. The qualifications for such memberships will be issued soon.

What is the relationship between MSU and BUDHI?
BUDHI and MSU will maintain close and cordial relationships. News from MSU will be propagated by BUDHI and will serve the good name of the University to its alumni and stakeholders.

The University will provide information about its alumni to BUDHI for use in fundraising activities. BUDHI will provide progress reports of its fundraising to the University.

Funds raised and their proceeds will be managed wholly by BUDHHI through its Bank.

What are the sources of funds for BUDHI?
Alumni from MSU, primarily Main, from 1966 to the present, and donations from companies owned by alumni are robust sources of funds. Donations from private companies, large and small, local and foreign, estate bequests, including last will and testaments, are other means are alternate sources. Donations in kind such as real estate, other properties and the like are equally possible sources.

Through what means will BUDHI activities be known to the public?
The Internet via Facebook, Website, Utube, Instagram; direct mailings and the like are great means. Newsletters released via internet, advertisements on TV, radio, social media are effective outlets.

Fundraising programs, like formal balls for prospective funders; seminars and forums, direct phone calls, texts, etc. will be tried.