FAQs on Donations

Help BUDHI by donating today!

MSU makes huge difference in people’s lives, and it starts with you


1. I want to donate to BUDHI, how do I proceed? Can I do it with just one move or more? How?


a) Communicate thru EMAIL or VIBER using BUDHI’s official platform address indicating type of Donation, either for Endowment or Maintenance and Operation of BUDHI as defined in the website;

b) An official designated by BUDHI, normally the Treasurer, will reply to the email or viber message giving out BUDHI’s Bank Account name and Number; with added instructions to email and send appropriate validated deposit or transfer documents via email or viber once donation is transacted accordingly.;

c) The designated BUDHI Official will record the receipt in the BUDHI’s Account System once the email message is received and checked with the Bank. An Official Receipt of BUDHI is issued and sent to the Donor accordingly.

2. Will my donation pass thru BUDHI Official or straight to the Bank?


It depends on the manner of remittance as follows:
a) Donors may opt to issue Checks in favor of BUDHI and mail same to BUDHI;
b) OR, follow the steps as enumerated above under items a) to c).

3. Will my name automatically be reflected in a corresponding spreadsheet and be seen as such? Will my name be mentioned as the names of other donors come in the future?


Yes. BUDHI will follow the disclosure on a bi-monthly basis thru the different Financial Statements and Schedules

4. Is there a Bank nomenclature such that Endowment Funds will always be with the Bank and not withdrawn by BUDHI before the P100M is reached? And will it be maintained in perpetuity?


Yes. The management of the BUDHI Endowment Fund Account will be as follows: Initially, Budhi will open an “EASY SAVINGS PLUS” Account with BUDHI’s depository Bank using a Passbook with Time Deposit features and Deposit Rates, with an initial deposit of P20T.

Once the account accumulates to P1M the amount will automatically be transferred to a Time Deposit Certificate with a maturity of five (5) years on a higher yielding rate under the name of BUDHI and same signatories.

Thus, at the end of five years, BUDHI hopefully will hold 100 pieces of 5-year Time Deposit Certificates of P1M each.